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One Country Project Releases Guide to Presidential Candidates’ Plans for Rural America


August 29, 2019

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One Country Project Releases Guide to Presidential Candidates' Plans for Rural America

WASHINGTON, D.C. One Country Project (OCP) today released a guide to the Democratic presidential candidates’ proposals for rural America.

“As we highlighted in our Democratic Primary Debate Report Card, the world ‘rural’ was only spoken ten times over the course of two nights of the last debate in Detroit, Michigan, and moderators only asked one question focused on farmers. It’s encouraging to see candidates starting to place higher priority on rural American issues as they roll out their proposals,” said founding board member and former North Dakota Senator Heidi Heitkamp.

“This is a welcome first step to reconnect with the rural voters who feel left behind, but we need more. As President Trump has shown, it’s easy to pay lip service. Democratic candidates need to prove a commitment to rural Americans and prepare to show up for these communities in a significant way.”

In our survey, we look at which candidates have plans, which do not, and what propositions they have for trade, agriculture, health care, education, and broadband access.


About One Country Project  

The One Country Project, led by former Senators Heidi Heitkamp and Joe Donnelly, is working to promote greater opportunities for rural communities and ensure leaders earn their support. One Country is reengaging with rural Americans, serving as a clearinghouse of research and information for rural Americans, and working to ensure leaders regain trust by fighting for these communities. To learn more, visit the website, OneCountryProject.org. 

Posted on August 29, 2019 in Press Releases.
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