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Congress Adjourns Before Acting on Ag

July 28, 2023
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Congress Adjourns Before Acting on Ag

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, One Country Project issued the following statement after the U.S. House of Representatives failed to take meaningful action to advance agricultural appropriations and the Farm Bill before adjourning for August recess.

“Millions nationwide have been experiencing the impacts of extreme heat this summer, yet Congress seems to lack urgency when it comes to advancing agriculture appropriations and a Farm Bill that will help rural economies deal with the challenges and opportunities presented by the climate crisis. It is frustrating to think of farmers sweating in the fields while members of Congress don’t seem to be sweating passing a Farm Bill.

“While the House of Representatives chose to kick the can down the road, it was encouraging to see President Biden issue the first-ever ‘Hazard Alert’ to protect workers—especially those in high-risk industries like construction and agriculture—from the dangerous impacts of extreme heat this week.

“As the temperature ticks up across the country, so must the heat on politicians to act on the Farm Bill. A Farm Bill that secures a strong farming foundation, preserves the rural way of life, and makes rural America’s economy viable and vibrant today and tomorrow must be prioritized this fall.”

As an organization focused on ensuring rural America’s needs and values are heard and reflected in policy in Washington, the One Country Project recently put forth a letter to Congress on priorities that should be considered in the upcoming Farm Bill.


About One Country Project
Rural America holds an essential role in moving the United States forward and the One Country Project is dedicated to ensuring Rural America’s priorities and values are heard and reflected in policy at the federal level. To learn more, visit us at www.onecountryproject.com or on Twitter or Facebook.

Posted on July 28, 2023 in Press Releases.
Tags: Farm Bill, ag
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