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One Country Statement on September 2023 Jobs Report

October 6, 2023
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One Country Statement on September 2023 Jobs Report

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, One Country Project issued the following statement after the release of the September jobs report:

“September saw the addition of 336,000 jobs, continuing a 33-month-long streak of job gains under President Biden’s leadership. While we see growth in numbers, many parents are opting out of the workforce to care for their children. Women contributed significantly to the post-pandemic economic recovery, but now those, particularly those in rural childcare deserts, will be disproportionately impacted by the expiration of pandemic-era childcare funding.

“High costs have made it all the more vital that Americans have stable and good-paying jobs. But when a family or medical emergency arises, it’s not enough for a job to offer good wages ― workers need flexibility. A national paid family and medical leave policy can help ensure that workers who need to care for themselves or their family can keep their jobs and keep paying their bills. Including a paid family leave program in the next Farm Bill will ensure that rural businesses offer competitive benefits, retain workers, and secure families’ finances.

“Unfortunately, the current Farm Bill has lapsed amid House Republicans’ infighting. Their inability to govern is impeding the progress rural America needs to thrive. Congress only has until November 17 to pass all 12 spending bills and the House is without a Speaker, delaying proceedings and setting up another fight to fund the government. Lawmakers must work to keep essential federal programs funded and prioritize passing a new Farm Bill that ensures that Americans can keep living and working in rural regions.”

Learn more about OCP’s work on Paid Family Leave and the upcoming Farm Bill.


About One Country Project
Rural America holds an essential role in moving the United States forward and the One Country Project is dedicated to ensuring Rural America’s priorities and values are heard and reflected in policy at the federal level. To learn more, visit us at www.onecountryproject.com or on Twitter or Facebook.

Posted on October 6, 2023 in Press Releases.
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