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New Poll: Rural Health Care and Access to Emergency Services Require Immediate Attention

June 15, 2023
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New Poll: Rural Health Care and Access to Emergency Services Require Immediate Attention

Voters oppose VA’s cuts to air ambulance and want Medicare to update its reimbursement rate

WASHINGTON, D.C. – A new survey from One Country Project (OCP) reveals that, while agreeing all Americans should have access to quality, affordable health care, voters nationwide think health care in rural communities is markedly worse than in the rest of the country. These findings come shortly after OCP hosted its annual Rural Progress Summit, where rural stakeholders from across the country gathered to discuss the challenges facing rural communities and the importance of elevating rural priorities on the national stage.

“Access to quality, affordable health care should not be determined by your zip code,” said former U.S. Senator and OCP founder Heidi Heitkamp (D-ND). “We will continue to advocate for equal access to health care, especially in rural communities where residents are forced to travel greater distances and face many barriers when accessing care.”

Since 2010, there have been over 130 rural hospital closures, leaving local residents with little option but to travel hours to the nearest medical center. This distance can be especially dangerous after sustaining a brain injury, heart attack, stroke, or other life-threatening condition when every second counts. Air ambulances are often relied upon in rural areas because they can arrive at the scene of an emergency quicker than ground ambulances and provide care in-flight.

When asked about the importance of air medical transport, 96 percent of voters agree that emergency air medical transportation is an important life-saving service and Americans who live in remote or rural areas must be able to be transported to a hospital quickly when they need to be.

The survey also reveals overwhelming support (84 percent) for increasing the Medicare reimbursement rate for air medical services, which currently only covers 50 percent of the costs associated with transporting patients via air ambulance. 84 percent of voters also oppose the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs’ recent cuts to the emergency air medical reimbursement rate.

“These findings underscore the importance of preserving access to emergency air medical services for rural Americans,” said Heitkamp. “It’s crucial to ensure air medical providers are fairly reimbursed so that patients can continue having access to this lifesaving service.”

The online survey polled 1,079 registered voters nationwide. View the full survey results here.


About One Country Project
Rural America holds an essential role in moving the United States forward and the One Country Project is dedicated to ensuring Rural America’s priorities and values are heard and reflected in policy at the federal level. To learn more, visit us at www.onecountryproject.com or on Twitter or Facebook.

About SOAR
Save Our Air Medical Resources (SOAR) is a national campaign dedicated to preserving access to emergency air medical services for Americans across the country. Official partners of the SOAR Campaign include industry experts, in-flight paramedics and nurses, patients, and rural and consumer groups who rely on emergency services. To learn more about SOAR visit soarcampaign.com.

Posted on June 15, 2023 in Press Releases.
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